Nikki's 60th Birthday Ball
En @Mi Sol Bar
03184 Torrevieja
Jueves, 9 de enero de 2020 a las 19:30h.
That's right people, our beautiful, super sunning, amazingly talented, and oh SO glamorous NIKKI NOCK is celebrating her 60th Birthday this Thursday!!!
I know, I know, it is hard to believe that our queen bee is turning 60 but apparently it is true!!! And let me tell you it will not be the party of the year, not the party of the decade....more like the PARTY OF THE CENTURY!!!
So get yourselves down to MiSol Bar from 7.30pm Thursday 9th January and help us celebrate with our lovely Nikki Nock!
#NIKKINOCK #queenoftorrevieja #karaokequeen #60thbirthday #partytime #celebrate #misol #glam #sixtyandsexy #queenbee #birthdayparty
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